Dragonfly At A Glance

We will be a support tool and aide function in helping you assist with matters, affairs or concerns after a death.

Our goal is to assist and work with you, and guide you on what needs to be done today.

It is our caring nature for you not to get overwhelmed, and to support you in a positive environment.

It is our belief that time helps recuperate and we as a whole can utilize some assistance every so often.

Our Rate


*Option of a flat rate based on your needs

0 %
0 +
Years of Service
0 +
People Helped

Our Benefits

In Home Service
Personal & Confidental
Caring Nature
Positive Support

It Is The Mission Of Dragonfly Advisory Services, To Provide A Personal Touch And Lending Hand. To Help Guide An Individual Or Persons After The Loss Of A Loved One.​

Meet our team

Joy Wirta

Joy Wirta is a lifetime resident of the Sudbury Area, where she was born and raised her family.

She has been involved as a volunteer for over 20 years serving on many committees and boards across the region.

Employed with over a decade of service with Canada Revenue Agency, she holds to great value confidentiality and privacy.

After dealing with personal losses herself, she recognized a need for a support program within our community to deal with the affairs after a family has said their final goodbyes.

Sophie Misouri

Sophie Misouri is the founder of Wild Oats Birth Services and a bilingual birth and postpartum doula serving the Greater Sudbury Area.

Training through Home Hospice Association in their Infant and Pregnancy Loss doula program, she specializes in supporting women who have experienced or are experiencing infant or pregnancy loss and is dedicated to providing all her clients with the information, care and support they need. Meeting her clients wherever they are on their journey.

Visit my site at http://wildoatsbirth.com/


Brea Wirta

Engagement Coordinator, Wife, Chronic illness collector, Tiny human skating instructor.

Keeper of all things. Avid reader and researcher. Always looking for new and inventive ways to expand understanding, awareness, and avocation in the end of life process.

Educating and building a stronger community in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario.


Judi Pasichnyk

I am a loving and caring mother of 2 grown children and a Baba to 2 beautiful grandchildren. I adore my family, the outdoors and different types of cuisine.

I’ve been a Registered nurse since 1984. I worked at Health Sciences North for many years with paediatrics being my main focus. At present I am an Information Nurse at Canadian Blood Services.

I understand dying and grieving are extremely important parts of life and I would love to offer you and your family support, comfort and peace until the very end.


Nicky Brown

I have been a palliative care volunteer since 2005 and believe no one should die alone and should also have a say in what their death looks like.

My experience as a palliative care home visitor has taught me a great deal about end of life care.

My compassion, friendliness, advocacy and experience serve to help people through their death. 

I have helped with legacy work such as writing letters, finishing knitting projects for loved ones, piecing together collages, basically anything to leave a tangible memory. 

I have spent many hours at bedside to support and guide people through the dying process.


Jennifer Turgeon

I have had the question many times asked to me, “Why do you want to be a Death Doula?” For me, I had worked in Family Law for many years and always felt no matter what I did I could not make a difference.

This brought me to a new chapter in my life where I started working with seniors and their loved ones.

From my very first meeting 15 years ago to this very day, not a day  goes by that I do not feel blessed to meet families and hear their stories, fortunate to make a difference and thankful to learn something new everyday.

When I researched Death Doula and their role in providing assistance, companionship and guidance as families are faced with death there was really not a second thought given and I knew it would be my next step in what I love to do.

Working with seniors and their loved ones for so many years I have learnt that most would like to remain where they call home and to see so many pass away without any control over the process was difficult for the senior dying as well as the families. To be able to give choices and advocate for their wishes and create the environment that they want is truly comforting to me.



In 2006, my husband was diagnosed with cancer.  We then started a long journey of 5 years of battling the disease and had a lot of conversations of how he wanted to die and where. 

He was emphatic that when the time came, he would die at home and in my arms.  I had no idea how to be make that wish possible, but through contacts in the health field and amazing supportive care from family, friends and organizations, we were able to make that happen.  In June 2011, he died in my arms in his home.  I want others, who choose to follow this path, to have that experience.  The peace I felt for having done it “His way” stays with me to this day.   

I am so passionate about the Death Doula program because I firmly believe we need to get back to basics.  We need to support those who are dying to let them complete their journey in life ‘their way’ as much as possible.  There is no better feeling than to be part of the process that lets this happen.


Lisa Larocque

My career path has always gravitated towards working with others and having them share their experiences with me. It didnt matter to me if it was in the Medical Profession or the Automotive Indusrty, my passion for assisting others was always the most fufilling aspect.

My goal has been to find a career that would combine my core values and experience, to provide comfort, companionship, knowledge and assistance to those in need. When I began researching the role of a Death Doula, it became apparent to me that I had found the perfect fit… not a career, a life philosophy. I  have spent my entire life training for this, to be there for others, their shoulder to lean on, their advocate, their calm and their guidance.


As Seen On