Someone passes away, dies, and all of a sudden you are in a vortex going in a straight line one moment and curving the next. You’re standing still, and life around you is moving forward. It’s never easy, and seldom are we prepared. Everyone around us is doing the best to say the right things and do what they think would be best. We are often found to be comforting them instead of the other way around. Truthfully there is nothing easy about grief, we do our best to smile, put on a good front, but at the end of the day we feel like crawling into a deep hole, and wish everyone away. Some days after a death can be a struggle to breathe, but the expectations are there for us to continue on and do what is expected. In the months to come Dragonfly Advisory Services will be diligently working to help build a workshop so that individuals left after someone passes away can expel that breathe a little easier. I am excited that we will be collaborating with some amazing individuals in our Region to be able to answer some of the questions that are preventing us from being ready in the event of a tragedy. Statistics are staggering that a good majority of Canadians are not prepared to lose a loved one. Parent, spouse, partner, heaven forbid a child. It is so important to have that conversation, start that dialogue and know what your loved one is thinking or would want. None of us want to have that conversation, regardless of our age or personal situation. This week alone I heard about an individual who’s loved one is palliative and his/her days are on borrowed time, but they still do not have a will….. Why is my question? What scares people? Is it taboo? That you are invincible? It could not happen to you? Whatever the reason I am hoping to close the gap a little and help families be prepared in the event of a death. So this is my “Share Sunday” if anything comes from reading this today, please share your thoughts with your loved ones, parents, spouse, partner or friend. Start with the little things, or even if they are an organ donor? Ask a few questions and share a few stories, but have a conversation. A little tip:\r\n\r\nVoila, le Will\r\n\r\nA will is a written and signed statement, made by an individual, which provides for the disposition of their property when they die.\r\n\r\nMany people put other things in their will as well, such as how to dispose of their body or where and how to conduct the memorial service.\r\n\r\nThe bread and butter will in Canada (the one most commonly used), also known as the English-law will because of its origin, is the conventional will. Every province recognizes this will and it requires the following formalities:\r\n\r\nIn writing (i.e., verbal wills are unacceptable);\r\n\r\nThe testator (person who signs the will) must have legal capacity. Minors cannot make valid wills nor can the mentally-incapable;\r\n\r\nSigned by the testator at the end of the will;\r\n\r\nThe testator must sign or acknowledge his or her signature in front of at least two witnesses, who attest to the fact that they witnessed the signing of the will or the testator acknowledged his or her signature in their presence; and\r\n\r\nThe witnesses must be of the age of majority and cannot be a beneficiary named in the will or spouse of the deceased.\r\n\r\nAlthough not absolutely required, it is preferable to write the date on the document.\r\n\r\nPublished\r\nBy: Lloyd Duhaime Permalink\r\n\r\nTill next time……\r\n\r\n